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I used to bring children from Gaza to hospitals in Israel

Video Can you still believe in peace when your son has been murdered by Hamas, and you have lost everything? Liora Eilon, a peace activist dedicated to reconciliation between Jews and Palestinians. She faced this question after Hamas terrorists raided her kibbutz near Gaza on Oct. …
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Christians for Israel produces Israel and Christians Today, a bi-monthly newspaper distributed internationally - in most cases free of charge! The main purpose of Israel & Christians Today is to proclaim the message, that Israel is a sign of Hope for the Church of the Coming of the Lord.

This publication is written for a primarily Christian audience. It will help readers discover God’s promises to the Jewish people and the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy.

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Christians for Israel produces Israel and Christians Today, a bi-monthly newspaper. The main purpose of Israel & Christians Today is to proclaim the message, that Israel is a sign of Hope for the Church of the Coming of the Lord.

This publication is written for a primarily Christian audience. It will help readers discover God’s promises to the Jewish people and the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy.

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Israel & Christians Today Weekly Update is a weekly reflection on current global affairs concerning Israel and the Jewish people.